Dnia 20 stycznia 2017 r. w należącym do University of London Heythrop College w Londynie odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa zatytułowana The Future of Catholic Theological Ethics. Spotkanie naukowe zorganizowane zostało przez panią dr Annę Abram, starszego wykładowcę etyki chrześcijańskiej i zarazem pełniącą w college’u funkcję Head of Pastoral and Social Studies Department (Fragment tekstu)
Recenzja książki: Claude Geffré, Le christianisme comme religion de l’Evangile, Paris 2013, Les édit...
The main thesis of the paper states that Catholic theology and Evangelical theology use different la...
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their wa...
The history of the Catholic Church’s censorship reaches the beginnings of Christianity, when some a...
The aim of this study is to look at the problem of contraception in the ecumenical context. A specia...
In the opinion of Bogdan Ferdek, the new book of Agnieszka Łoza and Paweł Beyga is a special theolog...
Artykuł podejmuje analizę moralnych aspektów homoseksualizmu w świetle posoborowego nauczania Kościo...
This report is an account on the 54th Ecclesiological Week organised by the Academic Theological Soc...
Theologians of the so-called new moral theology aiming to renew moral theology developed a theory of...
The attitudes of Polish Catholic Church hierarchs and the shaping of their views on the fundamental ...
The article raises a question of the process of origins underlying theological contents, that is, in...
Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej Implikacje teologiczno- -moralne adhortacji „Amor...
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. Ideologies and State-Church Relations Legal ...
Due to the progress and globalization the contemporary world more and more differs from Christ ...
The text discusses three years of activity of the Association of Moral Theologians in Poland. It poi...
Recenzja książki: Claude Geffré, Le christianisme comme religion de l’Evangile, Paris 2013, Les édit...
The main thesis of the paper states that Catholic theology and Evangelical theology use different la...
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their wa...
The history of the Catholic Church’s censorship reaches the beginnings of Christianity, when some a...
The aim of this study is to look at the problem of contraception in the ecumenical context. A specia...
In the opinion of Bogdan Ferdek, the new book of Agnieszka Łoza and Paweł Beyga is a special theolog...
Artykuł podejmuje analizę moralnych aspektów homoseksualizmu w świetle posoborowego nauczania Kościo...
This report is an account on the 54th Ecclesiological Week organised by the Academic Theological Soc...
Theologians of the so-called new moral theology aiming to renew moral theology developed a theory of...
The attitudes of Polish Catholic Church hierarchs and the shaping of their views on the fundamental ...
The article raises a question of the process of origins underlying theological contents, that is, in...
Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej Implikacje teologiczno- -moralne adhortacji „Amor...
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. Ideologies and State-Church Relations Legal ...
Due to the progress and globalization the contemporary world more and more differs from Christ ...
The text discusses three years of activity of the Association of Moral Theologians in Poland. It poi...
Recenzja książki: Claude Geffré, Le christianisme comme religion de l’Evangile, Paris 2013, Les édit...
The main thesis of the paper states that Catholic theology and Evangelical theology use different la...
The Catholic Church’s Social Teaching dealing with mankind is interested in the person and their wa...